A couple weeks ago I was driving to Pleasanton to spend some time with Pat after she had surgery and I saw this tree, which looks much like a big mushroom. I wanted to stop right then to take a picture, but it was raining. A few days later when Pat felt like getting away from the house for a while, she and I drove back to where I had seen the tree and I was able to get this picture. Looks like a big mushroom, right? On closer examination I think the tree is growing up through an old cistern, but was unable to get close enough to make sure. I had hoped I would be able to determine that fact when I uploaded the picture, but it is too dark under there to see detail. There was a barbed wire fence between me and the tree, so I felt like the land owner really didn't want anyone over there. So, even though I am almost certain that is not the trunk of the tree, it is still my mushroom tree!