Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Whirley Gig

This whirley gig was a gift to me from Pat's husband, Jim. He has a wonderful wood working shop and is very good in wood craft. He has made some beautiful pieces of furniture which they have in their home. Jim has made two extremely nice medicine cabinets for me - for the last two houses I have lived in. The one I have now is mounted on the wall in such a way that I can take it with me next time I move - which is a good thing because he is probably tired of building medicine cabinets for me! I think the whirley gig is a nice addition to my patio and I enjoy watching it spin when the wind blows, even just a little. I admire his work, and know if Jim makes it, it will be to perfection.


Debi said...

Thanks to Jim's skill and generosity you have a nice reminder of Pat's visit.

Bobbie said...

I love to watch these things spin around, so mesmerizing. Nice to have a friend that makes stuff for you! Just in case you are wondering who I am, well...I am Debi's mother :)

nelda said...

Hi, Bobbie! You certainly have a great daughter - she is one of my very favorite people ever. The Whirley Gigs also facinate me, even more so now that I have really studied one and realize that each of those strips of wood is cut separately - so precise. It takes a very patient person to make one I think.

Debi said...

Awww Nelda, you could make me cry. Dearest, you are one of my favorite people ever! Now let's go eat some carrots together.